On January 24, 2018, Incorrigibles premiered the Incorrigibles short film, featuring the stories and voices of girls who were incarcerated at the New York State Training School for Girls in Hudson, New York.
Running time: 00:13:11
On January 24, 2018, Incorrigibles premiered the Incorrigibles short film, featuring the stories and voices of girls who were incarcerated at the New York State Training School for Girls in Hudson, New York.
Running time: 00:13:11
Wish I had found this earlier for my Mom who passed away last December. She was at Hudson in the 1950’s. Wanted her to share her story but she didn’t, except with me. After getting her GED in the 70’s she went on to get her nursing license, then worked on a degree in Social Work all the way up to working on a doctorate. I was very proud of her. That was in addition to raising 4 children. Hudson was a mix of adventure and pain. Nothing she cared to share with family I guess. I felt sad watching this but glad a voice was given to the girls.