Hudson Opera House, Incorrigibles: A Sociodrama. August 1, 2015
Our first workshop, Incorrigibles: A Sociodrama was in collaboration with girls from Kinderhof Group Home, Operation Unite and the Hudson Opera House on August 1, 2015 and was funded in part by the New York Council for the Humanities. The one-week workshop was intensive and the public presentation at the end of the week was followed by a lively community conversation led by the girls.
We are currently co-creating workshops with young women in and around Hudson, NY and New York City. These workshops provide creative spaces for young women to present visions of themselves and to voice what they would like to see changed in juvenile-justice and social services for girls in New York today, using the lens of history and stories from the Training School for Girls as a metric for a better future.
“You didn’t give the kids a voice… you didn’t listen to them. You didn’t let them explain their story. How could you do that? Why didn’t you have an ear for them? All they needed was your time.”
– Kaley, Co-creator & Participant
“I wanted to say that this was a very good experience to learn about what girls went through back then… just not doing anything at all…just being a girl…and I just want to thank everyone for coming and seeing how we acted. Thank you.”
– Gatina, Co-creator & Participant
“Look at us in our society today. Someone said ‘I talk back to my mom all the time, well if you think about it, if you did that to your mom, forty or fifty years ago, the repercussions would be very different. How we raise our children, and what we deem acceptable, in our society today is so different from way back then.”
– Audience Member